Executive Committee
Nora Lustig (Tulane University, US), President
Cecilia García-Peñalosa (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, FR), President-Elect
Flaviana Palmisano (Sapienza University of Roma, IT), Secretary
Elena Bárcena-Martín (University of Malaga, ES), Treasurer
Sabine Alkire (University of Oxford, UK)
Facundo Alvaredo (Paris School of Economics, FR)
Luis-Felipe Lopez-Calva (World Bank, US)
Alessandra Casarico (Bocconi University, IT)
Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Koen Decancq (University of Antwerp, BE)
Raquel Fernández (New York University, US)
Janet C. Gornick (City University of New York, US)
Stephen P. Jenkins (London School of Economics, UK)
Andreas Peichl (University of Munich, DE)
Xavier Ramos (Autonomous University of Barcelona, ES)
Philippe Van Kerm (University of Luxembourg & LISER, LU)
Andrea Vigorito (Universidad de la República, UY)
Members of the Executive Committee and the Council in the past