Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Call for papers – ICDE 2024

Call for papers
International Conference on Development Economics (ICDE) – AFEDEV

 July 2-3 2024, Aix-en-Provence (France)

The International Conference on Development Economics (ICDE) is the annual conference of the French association on development economics, AFEDEV.

AFEDEV brings together researchers and practitioners in the field of development economics and promotes research in development economics in France.

The objective of the conference is to be a forum to discuss innovative research in development economics. Empirical and theoretical contributions are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: agriculture, poverty climate change, conflict, digitalization, employment, energy policies, environment, firm performance, growth, health, inequality, international trade, migration, monetary policy, population, poverty, social assistance and insurance, taxation and vulnerability.

This year, we welcome 2 keynote speakers:
– Farzana AFRIDI, Indian Statistical Institute, University of Toronto
– Garance GENICOT, Georgetown University

We actively promote the participation of junior researchers and researchers based in the global South.

Deadline for submission: February 9th.
Notification to authors and registration opening: March 14th,
Deadline for registration: May 18th,

More information is available here