Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Seventeenth Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT17)

Call for application
17th Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory – Inequality and big challenges
January 7-12 2024, Alba di Canazei (Dolomites)

The aim of the School is to provide junior and senior researchers on inequality and social welfare analysis with the opportunity to discuss issues concerning Big Challenges for our societies. This year, the challenges include:
– Artificial Intelligence and the labour market
– Climate change
– Development and conflict
The School is organized by:
CESifo – Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute at University of Munich, the Department of Economics – Phd in Economics and Finance,University of Verona and LISER – Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research,
in collaboration with:
CEE-M Research Institute – University of Montpellier; CY Cergy Paris University; ECINEQ – Society for the Study of Economic Inequality; The International Inequalities Institute – London School of Economics; University of Antwerp – AIPRIL Centre of Excellence; University of Bari “Aldo Moro”; University of Rome – La Sapienza.
The school will take place in January 2024 from Monday 8 to Thursday 11 in the teaching facilities of the University of Verona in Alba di Canazei (Italy).
PhD students selection is based on the presentation of a CV and a paper to be attached to the online application form not later than December 6, 2023.
Further information and preliminary programme are available at the website