Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Call for papers – Special Issue of Hacienda Publica Española, Review of Public Economics

Call for papers
Special Issue of the Journal: Hacienda Publica Española, Review of Public Economics
“Economic Insecurity, Vulnerability and Inequality: The Role of Public Policies”
Special Issue Editors: Elena Bárcena-Martín and Jacques Silber


To better understand the causes and consequences of economic insecurity, vulnerability and inequality, and in order to focus on their policy implications, Hacienda Publica (HPE)/Review of Public Economics is launching a special issue devoted to these three topics and their interrelations. The main goal of this Special Issue is to receive empirical and methodological contributions on the theme of economic insecurity, vulnerability and inequality, in both low-income and advanced countries, special emphasis being given to the role of public policies.
Specific topics may include, but are not restricted to a comparative analysis of economic insecurity, vulnerability and/or inequality by regions or countries.
A longitudinal analysis of economic insecurity, vulnerability and inequality in specific countries.
The measurement of economic insecurity, vulnerability and inequality.
The impact of public policy on economic insecurity, vulnerability and inequality.
All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by referees who have made important contributions to the three topics which are the focus of this special issue and the latter will be published in 2023.
Submission instructions:
Full papers should be in English and submitted electronically through the journal’s page in Berkeley Electronic Press (Bepress) at Please, remember to select the option “Call for Papers” in the prompt for “Type of Submission”.
Pre-formatting to our publication style is not necessary. Final formatting is required only after acceptance

Submission deadline: September 1st, 2022.
Expected special issue publication date (in print): 2023.
Further information is available here.