ECINEQ PhD Workshop – Registration
ECINEQ PhD Workshop
The ECINEQ PhD Workshop will take place on July 7, 2021, from 11:00 – 18:30 (BST), ahead of the ninth meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), hosted by the London School of Economics,
The PhD Workshop will take place online. It will bring together PhD students and leading scholars in the field, building community and creating a rich environment for dialogue. PhD students will present a paper, and receive feedback from a PhD discussant, senior scholars, and fellow workshop participants. Senior academics participating include Francisco Ferreira, Frank Cowell and Stephen Jenkins. The format is a 25-minute presentation followed by 20 minutes for feedback, questions, and a panel discussion.
Please register via Google Forms:
ECINEQ PhD Workshop Programme
Session A: Distributive Conflicts
Chair: Juliana Jaramillo-Echeverri
Paper 1: Xabier Garcia-Fuente (University of Barcelona)
11:00 – 11:45 (BST)
“The Paradox of Redistribution in time. Social spending in 54 countries, 1967-2018”
PhD Discussant: Beatriz Jambrina-Canseco (London School of Economics)
Paper 2: Juan Luksic (Paris School of Economics)
11:45-12:30 (BST)
“Can immigration affect neighborhood effects? Accounting for the indirect effects of immigrants on native test scores”
PhD Discussant: Xabier Garcia-Fuente (University of Barcelona)
12:30- 12:45: Panel Discussion
Session B: Labour
Chair: Hillary Vipond
Paper 3: Elass Kenza (Aix Marseille School of Economics)
13:15 – 14:00 (BST)
“The multiple dimensions of selection into employment”
PhD Discussant: Timothy Köhler (University of Cape Town)
Paper 4: Timothy Köhler (University of Cape Town)
14:00 – 14:45 (BST)
“COVID-19 in the context of extreme unemployment and inequality: Estimating the employment effects of South Africa’s national lockdown”
PhD Discussant: Elass Kenza (Aix Marseille School of Economics)
Paper 5: Nadezhda Zhuravleva (Bonn Graduate School of Economics)
14:45 -15:30 (BST)
“How bad is labor market concentration? Evidence from Soviet (urban) satellites”
PhD Discussant: Zach Bleemer (UC Berkeley)
15:30 – 15:45 Panel Discussion
Session C: Education
Chair: Felix Schaff
Paper 6: Zach Bleemer (UC Berkeley)
16:00– 16:45 (BST)
“Affirmative Action, Mismatch, and Economic Mobility after California’s Proposition 209”
PhD Discussant: Francisco Meneses (Duke University)
Paper 7: Beatriz Jambrina-Canseco (London School of Economics)
16:45– 17:30 (BST)
“Trends in real wage inequality: A revision of earlier evidence”
PhD Discussant: Nadezhda Zhuravleva (Bonn Graduate School of Economics)
Paper 8: Francisco Meneses (Duke University)
17:30– 18:15 (BST)
“Intergenerational Mobility After Expanding Educational Opportunities: A Quasi Experiment”
PhD Discussant: Juan Luksic (Paris School of Economics)
18:15 -18:30 Panel Discussion
For additional information please contact the organisers, Hillary Vipond at, Felix Schaff at