Friday, March 14, 2025

Conference Fees

Standard rate (all attendees, except PhD students and LDC-based scholars): 400 euros (of which 150 as ECINEQ membership fee)

Special rate A (PhD students based in developed countries -UN classification): 220 euro (of which 50 as ECINEQ membership fee)

Special rate B (other PhD students*, and LDC-based scholars -UN classification): 120 euro (of which 50 as ECINEQ membership fee)

*Those not based in developed countries – UN classification


This registration fee covers (1) conference material, three lunches (one per conference day), six coffee breaks (two per conference day), and the social dinner and (2) a mandatory two-year ECINEQ membership fee.

ECINEQ membership includes a subscription to the Journal of Economic Inequality and the possibility to publish on the ECINEQ Working Paper Series.

To learn more about the benefits of being a member of ECINEQ, please, click here.



Please note that this year, differently from previous conferences, you must make TWO separate payments in order to register for the conference.

Please, proceed as follows:
Step 1. Pay the ECINEQ membership fees using the following link (click on the first item in menu that appears on the left-hand side):
Standard fee: 150,00 Euros.
Reduced fee: 50,00 Euros.
The reduced fee is reserved for PhD Students and LDC Researchers. If you select the reduced fee, please, send a justification of your status to

Step 2. Pay the conference registration using the following link:
Standard rate: 250,00 Euros.
Special Rate A: 170,00 Euros (PhD students based in developed countries – UN classification).
Special Rate B: 70,00 Euros (other PhD students*, and LDC-based scholars – UN classification).
*Those not based in developed countries – UN classification.

Registrations close on May 5, 2023.