Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Atkinson Prize

In 2017 ECINEQ has decided to institute a prize in memory of the immense contribution of Anthony B. Atkinson to our subject. 

Two awards of the prize will be made every two years to the authors of high-quality articles published in the Journal of Economic Inequality; the winners of the awards will be announced at the biennial meeting of ECINEQ, starting from the ECINEQ Meeting held in 2019.

The award committee shall consist of the editor of the Journal of  Economic Inequality and two other members of the Council, at least one of whom should not be a current associate editor of the Journal.
The editor shall, after consultation with the associate editors of the Journal,  put forward four papers published in the Journal during the previous two years.
The three-person award team shall decide on the two winners from the four papers put forward by the editor.


2023 Edition


A multivariate extension of the Lorenz curve based on copulas and a related multivariate Gini coefficient by Oliver Grothe, Fabian Kächele, Friedrich Schmid.

The weight of the rich: improving surveys using tax data by Thomas Blanchet, Ignacio Flores, Marc Morgan.


2021 Edition


Ethnic and racial disparities in saving behavior by Mariela Dal Borgo 

The tail that wags: differences in effective right tail coverage and estimates of wealth inequality by Arthur B. Kennickell.

2019 Edition


How to measure and proxy permanent income: evidence form Germany and US by David Brady, Marco Giesselman, Ultich, Kohler Anke Radenacker.

Survey mode effects on measured income inequality by Pirmin Fessler, Maximilian Kasy, Peter Lindner.

Honourable Mentions

One size doesn’t fit all: Quantile analysis and intergenerational income mobility in the US by Juan C. Palomino, Gustavo A. Marrero, Juan G. Rodriguez.

How does inequality aversion affect inequality and redistribution? by Matthew N. Murray, Langchuan Peng, Rudy Santore.