Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Call for papers – Workshop “Wealth Inequality, Wealth Accumulation, and Public Policy”

Call for papers
 Wealth Inequality, Wealth Accumulation, and Public Policy
23-24 January 2025, Tampere, Finland


Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems Research (FIT) at Tampere University is pleased to invite submissions to a workshop on Wealth Inequality, Wealth Accumulation, and Public Policy to be held in Tampere, Finland on 23 – 24 January 2025.

We invite the submission of papers or extended abstracts that explore wealth accumulation and concentration, the role of public policies in shaping these dynamics, and the economic consequences of wealth concentration. We particularly welcome contributions that utilize register-based measures of wealth or innovative historical wealth data.

This two-day event at Tampere University will bring together researchers working on wealth related topics and questions. For presenters traveling from outside Finland, we cover two nights of hotel accommodation, and for others, one night near the university. We are also honored to welcome Daniel Waldenström (IFN) who will deliver a plenary lecture during the workshop.

Submit your paper or extended abstract to Please mark “Wealth Workshop 2025” in the subject field of your message.

The event is organised by Terhi Ravaska and Vesa-Matti Heikkuri, Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems Research (FIT), Tampere University

This information can also be found on our site here for easy reference:


Submission deadline: 15th of November, 2024.

Notification of decision: by the end of November 2024.