Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Call for papers: IEA-WIDER joint panels

Call for papers
IEA-WIDER joint panels at the 2022 WIDER Development Conference
5-7 October 2022, Bogota


The International Economic Association (IEA) and the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) will co-host two joint sessions during the 2022 WIDER Development Conference, to be held (on-site) in Bogota, Colombia, on October 5-7, 2022, in partnership with Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES). The conference will bring together specialists from around the world to discuss, analyse and understand the latest broad-based research on inequality – covering topics that including, but not confined to, inequalities that affect individuals or population groups across many dimensions of wellbeing (income, labor market outcomes, education and health).

We seek papers in the broad area of technology and labor market inequality. Topics that may be relevant in this area include: The effect of new technologies on labor markets in developing countries, the changing task content of jobs and the relationship with earnings inequalities, the role of automation in creating or displacing jobs, the implications for trade and growth, and policy responses to mitigate the inequality-inducing effects of technological change.


Deadline for submissions: 15 February, 2022.
Notification of decisions: 15 March, 2022.

For more details, please, click here.