Thursday, March 13, 2025

Call for papers: Special Issue JOEI

Call for papers:
Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Inequality
“COVID-19: A Great Equalizer? Pandemics and Economic Inequality”

The Journal of Economic Inequality solicits submissions for a special issue on “Pandemics and economic inequality” to publish research that addresses these and related questions.

While COVID-19 can be connected to many forms of social inequalities, the scope of the journal is on “economic inequalities”. We will be considering papers researching how the pandemic impacts and will impact the distribution of income and wealth in the short-, medium- and long-run, within or across countries, papers on equality of opportunity (e.g. with respect to education), as well as papers examining the potential role of economic inequalities in fostering the spread of the disease across the world. We are primarily interested in the micro- level perspective, but also welcome macro-level papers to the extent that they draw distributional implications. Papers may, of course, draw directly on analysis of COVID-19, but we are also interested in papers examining the distributive impact of past epidemics, in the short or the long run.

Special issue editors: Koen Decancq, Andreas Peichl, and Philippe Van Kerm.

Important dates:

 – Submission deadline: December 15, 2020.

 – Expected special issue publication date (in print): September, 2021.

Further information available here.